Wednesday 19 November 2014


We are learning to:

Explain what decimals actually are and how they link to fractions and percentages.

What decimals are.....
decimals are part of a whole.
the decimal point separates (on the left) the wholes, (on the right) the parts of the wholes.

We use these deci pipes for decimals and we use them to make the decimal.

100,100ths make a whole.

2 wholes are 2.0

=Whole Hundredth=

ten,tenths make a whole

1,0000,1,0000th make a whole

=Tenths     Thousandth=

Read and identify decimals to two decimal places.


  I can read how many wholes,tenths,hundreds and thousands there are in a decimal

There is 2.989  

2 whole
9 tenths
8 hundredths
9 thousandths

There is 2.699   

2 wholes
6 tenths
9 hunderdths
9 thuosands





Order decimals to three places

Decimal : 6.345 ,6.79
ordering decimals: 6.79 - 6.345
This is how I did it .
On both of the decimals on the wholes they have 6. - 6. they are the same but when you come to the tenths they are different it is 6.7 - 6.3 but you already know state away that 6.79 is bigger because tenths are bigger than hundredth and thousandth and 6.345 doesn't.

Thanks for reading
By Hannah :)

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Math Link........

 Here is some great links to work on your maths

Hope you enjoy!!

Thursday 23 October 2014


For my kite I wanted to use a Garbage bag because I thought it would be a interesting to see a kite fly make out of a garbage bag,What led me to using a garbage bag is that the websites that I look at all have the same great material so that means I validated it and because i have never ever seen a kite made it out of      garbage bag and the material is light and a little easy to fly.

            Shape,Size and Design the shape of my kite now is a diamond but before my shape of my kite was a bow shape because I like bows but the bow shape didn't work out so now i have gone with a even better shape that will work better when its is flying because the kind of shape is a very strong that keeps the kite together. Size, the size of the kite is, the length is 63 cm height and the width is 47cm across because I don't want to have a kite to big because it might get heavy.Design,the design has to be strong because it doesn't all apart and i made my kite strong.

Gravel Video!!

Monday 22 September 2014

Hannah's amazing poupou

Instructions, How To Make A Poupou

  1. Find out how to make a poupou and what to make it out of.
  2. piece you're information together.
  3. Think what you're going to make it out of. 
  4. Get all the equipment you need.
  5. think about what technique's you're going to use.
  6. start using technique's.
  7. start making you're poupou.
  8. write who make the poupou (from you ).
  9. Type a blurb talking about you're poupou.
  10. print you're blurb out.
  11. staple poupou to the wall with blurb.