My dad had wake me up I couldn't see a thing at 5am in the morning my hands were all numb and it felt like I was in arctic and well all I could hear was the clock going ticktock, ticktock . Everyone else was in bed but of course not my dad. I jumped out of bed then luckily all I needed to do is to slip on my clothes and shoes because I had already done everything…
Finally I got to school so I got out of the car and said goodbye to Dad then walked over and all I could see was people that are going to young leaders boys and lots of girls.Everyone waited to till the bus was here and the rest of the people that are coming to young leaders.I waited with my friends for minutes and minutes just waiting for the bus to come…
Yes the bus came so we all got on the bus and sat where we are going to sit for the whole trip. We were singing songs in our head la, la, la, la, la for half of the trip I saw the sunset it was so pretty It was even my pretty than my dog.All a sudden I saw evette pulling out her lollies so I thought maybe I should pull out my lollies too.I dipped my hand into the soft and smooth lollies I pulled the lollies out and put it in my mouth mm…
Yay we got to Palmerston North now everyone out of the bus and line up.We started to walk towards young leaders woow I feel like a Queen it is was sooo big.We walk up the stares and mores stares and guess what came up next “MORE STARES”. After walking up all those stares my legs were soo tired but wait the show is about to begin…
Great the first speaker she was called Angela Swann she was one of the air force people she was the first Maori woman that was a captain. Hear phrase was the sky was the limit
she is my favorite speaker because she inspired me to dream big.
Awesome the second speaker Jamie Fitzgerald he is a explorer he has went/walked to arctic and he can inspire a lot of people if he talks lots in NYLD. His phrase was if you want something never stop try (don’t give up) make you dream expanded more and you will love your life.
Yay the next speaker is Charlie Laumatia he was talking about who are you,does anybody know how to say your name.He was a very funny person he is probably the funniest person I have ever seen.His phrase was make the right choices don’t make the bad ones and friends can help you if you just ask.
Great Cam Calkoen is the next speaker. So Cam Calkoen was a runner for nz but he had cereal palsby be he never gave up on his dream try achieve more. His phrase is aim for big aim for awesome maybe even better than awesome think who you want to be. Don’t let people get in the way of your dream.
The NYLD was finished and it was time to drive all the way back to New Plymouth and again more singing la, la, la ,la , la . Yes more lollies but wait I forgot don’t forget about mcdonald's mmm mmm mmm .We arrived at mcdonalds and had all the yummy food that we had ordered then had to get back on the bus and drive the rest of the way back to school. some people were singing and sleeping but we finally arrived back at school at the time of 8 pm we jumped out of the bus and jump into our own car and started to head home.
By Hannah