Yay camp room 10&11 are going on camp to Tupare Gardens. We have to sleep in a tent, Every night every one is thinking what we are going to do next but the only thing we know is that we are going swimming in a swim hole BUT what is a swimming hole?.When it rains we will have to stop the activities and go to are tents and its not very fun when its raining you don't have any thing to do but talk because this year room10&11 are not allowed to bring are own 3ds or iPod or anything electronic.
I am nervous about camp when its night time i feel ants are crawling all over me and something is on the top of the tent but i really like to go on holidays and explore Tupare Gardens but its not a holiday its still school for work.I wonder what we will be eating at camp for tea i think maybe its a BBQ yummmmmm. The best part of camping is setting up the tent for some people it is not but for me it is because when you use the tent alot you will already know how to do it.
I want to find out info about Tupare Gardens how long has Tupare Gardens stood? or how did it happened?
does Tupare Gardens have a river near by?. And in room 10 we are learning how to make and know what a virtual tour is and we are going to make it at camp.And i want to know how big is the camp ground ?:).
I want to find out info about Tupare Gardens how long has Tupare Gardens stood? or how did it happened?
does Tupare Gardens have a river near by?. And in room 10 we are learning how to make and know what a virtual tour is and we are going to make it at camp.And i want to know how big is the camp ground ?:).
Really enjoyed reading this Hannah. You have clearly articulated (see if you can figure out what that word means) your thoughts and feelings. I can clearly tell what you are thinking and feeling. Great sharing